Foreshadowing Jupiter in Pisces ~ 29 Apr 2021

Jupiter has less than two degrees to transit before entering Pisces. He’s not quite there yet, but will be soon (13 May)... and we need prep time... foreshadowing of sorts to prepare us for what is to come... in the real world and psychically, too. This will be a Pisces thing.

Before dealing with the traditional geocentric transit of Jupiter in Pisces, there are a few curious notes from the heliocentric (Sun-centered) perspective.

Heliocentrically, Jupiter enters Pisces on 20 September. As he advances, he will form an exact conjunction with the point where Mars is closest to the Sun (roughly 6 Pisces) on 2 December. The perihelion of Mars when transited by other planets heliocentrically tends to stimulate solar activity that has the result of radical intensification of weather patterns (and short wave radio disturbances). Work done by RCA researchers last century noted that such effects can occur when a planet is within a ten-degree orb of the perihelion of Mars. Suffice it to say that from now until early next year such stimulation is in place.

What will this do? For one thing, shifts in major weather patterns tend to occur with significant transits to the perihelion of Mars. A factor to consider is that sometime later this year, it would be within the realm of reasonable expectation for the patterns known as El Niño to replace La Niña.

Weather patterns stimulated by transits to the perihelion of Mars tend to be extreme, so if receiving weather warnings later this year and early next, do give such cautions proper attention.

Another curious helio effect right around the calendar corner is that on 6 June Neptune stands conjunct the point where Uranus retreats furthest from the Sun. This marks an era of repose and contemplation regarding all the radical changes that have occurred over the last several years. Are things better? What revolutionary ideas worked? Which did not? Is perspective clear enough asks Neptune in Pisces to enhance the good changes, eliminate the bad and transform the ugly into more aspired and transformative paths?

Before we move on, how about a picture of Jupiter in crescent formation that sort of resembles one of the curved components of the glyph of Pisces... and captures a sense of the out-of-the-darkness thing that happens at dawn - a time of day represented by Pisces.

Scroll down, there’s more and this is a vertically dominant picture.

From our more common geocentric astrological view, Jupiter enters Pisces on 13 May. He stations retrograde on 20 June, backing over his footsteps and departs Pisces on 28 July, seeking to refresh his optimism about altruism and humanism one more time. He promises his return to embellish all that Pisces bears and fulfills that promise on 29 December. There, our solar system’s largest planet preps for a conjunction with Neptune on 11 April 2022.

Classically, Jupiter rules Pisces. Neptune rules Pisces in modern-era astrology. When Jupiter transits Pisces during his next go, so does Neptune. It’s a Pisces rulership double-dip that deserves notice. Both Jupiter and Neptune vie for attention as to their lord status of the “last” sign, but the first sign the Sun diurnally transits of a day. Each of these large planets bears sibling rivalry competitiveness over whose dominion is better and each will present his case for rulership and as such, seek to dominate everyone’s use of this shared time of gaseous giants in Pisces.

While this is not an old-school versus modern era methods precisely, there will be a constant stream of contrasts presented by these planets. It will up to each person to adjust personal sensitivities in the mood of the moment and such adjustments create a natural kinship or flow into the rulership realms of Jupiter and Neptune. One does not need to go all-in with Jupiter or whole Neptune. It can be a “pick and choose” thing. Picks can change, with some of the “changing horses midstream” effects, but certainly ebb and flow is permitted. Most important, allow for adoption of Jupiter’s gracious effects and Neptune’s inspirations to serve your creative spirit and enhance and fortify the best of your soul.

Here are some examples of contrasts that Jupiter and Neptune can present. Certainly, other contrasts may appear; this list intends to cue the perception filters as to recognize which influence is what and when.

            Religion vs. spirituality.

            Empathy vs. sympathy.

            Kindness vs. defensive detachment.

            Aspirational dreams vs. delusional speculations.

            Hero vs. scapegoat.

            Freedom vs. captivity (whether physical, emotional or simply feeling stuck on Earth)

Ultimately, this significant Piscean era supports the full exploration and use of ones emotional and spiritual filters. Sensitivity towards the world and others dominates, but more, compassion toward oneself stands as priority one. Give yourself the benefit and credit you would render to those who are attached to your heartstrings. Work to ensure constancy of spirit. Purge any feeling of guilt or inadequacy should ever they appear. Resolve to remain addicted to the pursuit of well- being and an inspired life, if there is to be an addiction at all.

Take care to eliminate all real world effects that stimulate mood swings. Should emotions plummet after consuming sugar, take note. If video games arouse a sense of futility and frustration, factor playing against the positive outlook life requires of you. Should binge-watching a dark web series induce sullenness and hopelessness, simply stop watching and change your intake of media. Anything consumed that influences the psyche should do so with positive influence, especially during Jupiter in Pisces, or these should be avoided.

This does not suggest a “pull the blanket over the head” approach to what’s happening in the real world. Be clear and conscious of the entirety of mundane activities. According to Piscean concepts, all things impact every other thing, whether directly connected or not. Should there be difficult occurrences in the real world, as there are every day, figure out how to be the best beacon of hopefulness you can be and beam freely.

As hopefulness and inspiration becomes part of your personal shine, apply your creativity and spiritual (or religious) aspiration ways that flow and flex within the moment. Ensure that your output broadcasts sans fanaticism.

Take time to watch waves crash, creeks bubble and churn, and reflect upon the image of water in motion in whatever manifestation you can observe in real life, or in a video if you must. This leads a final thought... what imagery ideally personifies Jupiter’s upcoming era in Pisces? There’s a movie for that. If you have not yet seen it, find where you can watch the film My Octopus Teacher. For 85 minutes turn off the world and allow that film to consume you and your sensibilities while it offers a lesson about the meaning of Jupiter in Pisces.

More soon.